Sunday, March 8, 2015

"Pretzel Circuit"

Write a blog post COMPLETELY describing today’s activity.  In your post be sure to EXPLAIN what we did, and what each item (the students, the pretzel bag, the pretzels) represented in an electrical circuit.

Today's activity was about electricity circuit. What we did in  class was to pretend to be circuit and one student was the battery, and two another students were the light bulbs. The rest of the class was electrons and as electrons we would give equal amount of pretzels (pretzels=volts) to each light bulb.

"No Wires World"

You live in a world where electricity doesn’t need to flow through wires to light things up or make things work.  Write a paragraph explaining what you would name this world, EXPLAIN one cool thing you could do with electricity without wires, and EXPLAIN one crazy or horrible thing that could happen with electricity floating everywhere.

I would name the world Wireless. I would call the world Wireless because there wouldn't be any  wires around. A cool thing about not having wires is that the electricity would be floating. As they are floating we would be able to see how the electricity moves around. But one bad thing is that we would get am lot people hurt because  they would get electrocuted and we would have a lot of fire too.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Electricity So Far"

Write and complete the following sentences:
  • Electricity is a kind of energy from a current
  • So far I learned that electricity can be made by most things
  • Electricity is a from of energy because it helps light thing up
  • I'm still confused about how electricity is able to move form one place to the other
  • I'm getting better at understanding how most electricity needs WORK to actually to work
  • I have a question about how the electricity is able to flow through the wires

Monday, January 26, 2015

Another Planet

You have landed on another planet that you live and breathe on (just like Earth!), but it is TWICE as big as Earth.  Create a blog post naming and describing your planet.  In this description, be sure to include a comparison and contrast to the gravity that we have here on earth.

               My planet is called unearth. My planet would have more houses then apartments. My planet would be green with no pollution. My planet would be clean with no trash anywhere and my plant would have more trees unlike earth that you see more apartments and you  barely see trees and everywhere you walk you see trash on the streets. The gravity on my planet is a little more then the gravity on earth so the weight of everything will weight more.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Electric light

Write a blog post completely describe today’s Light the Bulb activity, then explain why you think the light bulb lit up. (How do you think the electricity works to light it up?)

Today we try lighting a light bulb with a wire  and a battery. with one end of the wire you have to put it at the bottom of the battery and the other end of the wire you have to put it on the side of the light bulb and then you have to put it on top of the battery and has to be like a circle so the electric can move. I think that the light bulb light up because the electric needs a flow to pass through the wire around.

Monday, January 12, 2015

“Work vs. Power”

Explain (in your own words) the difference between work and power.  Give an example showing work done with a lot of power and then with a little power.

My understanding of work is a amount  of force you put on a object to move it a distance. Power is the rate which work is done.

Pulling a item up a hill slow and then pushing the item down the hill you would be using a lot of power but dropping the object from the top of the hill is using a little power.