Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tue Sep 23 - "Estimating Distances"

  • Create a blog post called “Estimating Distances” - in it, Estimate the length of the front of your house.  Explain if you think this estimate is reasonable or unreasonable and why.
I estimate that the front of my house is about 378 centimeters long. I think that the estimate of the length of the front of my house is reasonable because my foot is 27 cent and the length of the front of my house is but 14 steps so 27 times 14 equals to 378 cents.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mon Sept 22 Homework - "Distracted Driving"

  • Create a blog post titled "Distracted Driving." In it, explain why you think that distracted driving is bad and describe a time when you were in a car and someone was distracted. What were they distracted by? Did you even notice at the time? How do you feel about it?  
  • If you've never been in that situation, then describe what you are most worried that you will do when you become a driver. Why does it worry you?
Distracted driving is dangerous because you and the person in the car with you or the other person in the other car can get hurt or even worst die in the accident.I haven not been in that situation i am worried that i would get distracted by something and hurt someone when i become a diver.It worries me that i can hurt someone when i driver because i can get just distracted  for a second and i can hurt someone by accident.